How Do I Know When I Can Afford To Retire?

Written by: Samantha Butcher l Advisory Team


Technically, you can retire whenever you want!  There is a misconception that you cannot retire until you are age 67, age pension age, or perhaps age 65 which is when you gain full access to your superannuation.  However, the truth is, you can retire at any age.  Suppose you choose to retire before you are legally allowed to access your superannuation (more on that one later), or before you are eligible for the age pension. In that case, you will be required to self-fund your retirement i.e. live off accessible savings.

So, I think the question is not “when can I retire?”, but rather “when can I afford to retire?”  The answer to this question will be unique to everyone because we all have our own goals i.e. what does retirement look like for you, are you a global traveller or are you someone who likes to travel domestically in your caravan), and we all have a different financial situation, a different ‘starting position’.

Financial Goals… Let’s Talk Dollars!

Each quarter the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) releases figures on the required income required to maintain a comfortable or a modest lifestyle, whether you are single or a couple.  As of March 2023, for the first time, ASFA estimate that retiring couples will now require just over $70,000 per annum to maintain a comfortable lifestyle, $50,000 per annum for singles.  This compares to approximately $46,000 and $32,000 for a modest lifestyle for couples and singles respectively.

What exactly determines a comfortable lifestyle as opposed to a modest lifestyle?  ASFA highlights the difference on their website as follows:

A modest reitrement lifestyle is considered better than the Age Pension, but still only allows for the basis.  A comfortable retirement lifestyle enables an older, healthy retiree to be involved in a broad range of leisure and recreational activities and to have a good standard of living through the purchase of such things as; household goods, private health insurance, a reasonable car, good clothes, a range of electronic equipment, and domestic and occassionally international holiday travel.

To help achieve the level of income required for a comfortable retirement, the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia suggests that couples will need $690,000 in superannuation at retirement, and singles $595,000.  Interestingly, they suggest a superannuation balance of $100,000 is required for both couples and singles to maintain a modest lifestyle.

So, When Can I Access My Superannuation?

You must meet a condition of release before you can access your superannuation:

Want to know more about the transition to a retirement income stream?  Check out this previous article we put together: How Does The Transition To Retirement Work?

What About The Age Pension?

The age pension is means tested which means your income and assets will be assessed to determine if you are eligible for any entitlement.  You can apply from age 67, even if your spouse is not yet also age pension age.  Services Australia will include all assets in both your and your partner’s name when determining your eligibility.

Want to know more about the age pension?  Check out this previous article we put together: How Much Age Pension Will I Get + How Can I Maximise It?

Steps to Consider from the Financial Professionals

Determining when you can afford to retire involves careful consideration of several factors, including your financial situation, lifestyle expectations, and future goals.  Here are some key steps to help you assess your readiness for retirement:

Canny Advisory + Your Retirement Plan

The importance of retirement planning is up to you – how do you envisage your retirement?  Retirement planning, for some people, can be the great unknown – when can I retire?  How much do I need?  What can I do to put myself in a better position?

Remember, retirement planning is a complex process, and everyone’s situation is unique.  If you are finding yourself asking questions about your retirement years, get in touch with our team to have a chat so we can provide you with personalised guidance based on your specific circumstances, helping you make an informed decision about your retirement readiness.

Canny Advisory Director and Financial Adviser Samantha Butcher stands centre in the photograph wearing a white long sleeve top and a black skirt.