Getting Your Bookkeeping In Order For Each Quarter

Written by: Corey Haynes | Accounting Team


Wow – this year is going quickly, and can you believe it’s almost the end of the March quarter?

We know that the end of a financial quarter can be confusing and even annoying for some people, especially as there are four of them!  At Canny Group, we want everyone’s experience to be as stress and hassle free as possible.

Every quarter a Business Activity Statement (BAS) is due which reports on your GST incurred and paid, the wages your business has paid along with the PAYG withholding, fuel tax rebate, PAYGI (tax) instalments etc. And even if you aren’t registered for GST, quarterly bookkeeping allows you to keep track of your earnings, so if you do ever hit that milestone of $75,000 income in a financial year you can register at the appropriate time.

So, what is the easiest way to have every financial quarter a smooth and straight forward process?  Being organised never goes astray, but really there are several key checks you want to be doing and completing to make each quarter the easiest process it can be.  We’re going to take you through the following checklist and tips to ensure a smooth end of financial quarter for you, no matter what kind of business your run!

Record Keeping + Document Storage

It is important to keep any invoices, receipts and documents for at least five years.  This also includes documentation for any employee information, superannuation and wage records.  Any documents relating to the purchasing and selling of your business must be kept for at least five years after the sale of business.

Questions that we are asked all the time:

We hear you, and as technology has improved, so too has the ability to store documents.  If you use accounting software such as Xero, QuickBooks, or MYOB, you can upload documents straight into them for secure filing storage.  There is also available software such as Hubdoc which provide a safe place to scan and secure all your receipts and invoices.  And with all these different software options, you can link them to transactions coming through your accounting software.`

Accounting System: Accounting Software Tidiness + Bank Reconciliation

It is essential to ensure that your accounting software, whether it be Xero, QuickBooks, or MYOB is kept up to date, tidy and reconciles across the board.  To help you we have the following tips and checks to be doing to keep things nice and tidy for every quarter:

Payroll, Superannuation + The Importance Of Payroll Reconciliation

If you process wages, whether it’s just to yourself or to employees, it is an ATO requirement to make sure that wages & superannuation are paid on time, and your pay runs in your accounting software are processed at the same time you pay your employees.  This is called Single Touch Payroll (STP) which is the act of processing and reporting on wages paid at the time they happen directly to the ATO for the end of financial year.  This allows employee payroll information to pre-fill into their MyGov account for tax return preparation and replaces group certificates (payment summaries).  Here is how to keep track of these:

Other Documents + Thing To Look Out For

So, with your accounting software coded correctly and accurately, your wages and super paid correctly, what documentation should you provide to your accountant or bookkeeper at BAS time and what else should I look out for?

Lodge Your Quarterly LeavePlus (Formerly CoInvest) Return

If you employ construction or maintenance workers in Victoria, you must make long service leave contributions to LeavePlus.  All members of the construction industry, including employers, workers, working subcontractors, working directors and apprentices are required to be registered with LeavePlus.

Employers contribute a designated percentage of employee gross wages (this is currently 2.7%) to the Long Service Leave Fund each quarter along with the eligible days of service for each employee.  LeavePlus quarterly returns are due for lodgement and payment by the 14th day of the following month after the end of the quarter.

Identifying If Payroll Tax Is Required + When To Pay It

Payroll tax is a state-based tax that applies to every business that pays remuneration above the payroll tax threshold.  You are required to register for payroll tax when your monthly or annual exceeds the tax-free threshold.  This varies from state to state.

For Victoria, the monthly threshold for the 2024 financial year is $58,333 and the yearly threshold for the 2024 financial year is $700,000.  The rate depends on if your business is regional or metropolitan.  The metropolitan payroll tax rate in Victoria is currently 4.85%, whilst the reginal rate is 1.2125%.  You must pay your payroll tax liability monthly and payment is due by the seventh day of the following month.

June Quarter Bookkeeping

So, with all your bookkeeping kept up to date for the quarter, the coding is done and accurate, wages and super paid and correct, invoices and documents saved and provided throughout the year and your quarterly LeavePlus returns lodged.  We get to the end of the financial year.  And with the end of financial year comes some yearly bookkeeping that is required, but don’t stress!  Because if you’ve done everything correctly this will be easy for you.  So, what is required for the end of the June quarter?  Let us break it down for you:

PLEASE NOTE: The STP completion date is the 14th of July.  If you would like Canny Group to do this for you, you will need to contact us and “opt in” for canny to complete your STP finalisation before the due date.

A TPAR reports on how much a subcontractor has earnt in the financial year, along with how much GST they received.  This allows the ATO to keep track of whether they have claimed the correct GST, or if they have earnt over $75,000 for the FY but not registered for GST, or if they reported less than what they actually received.  This is why it is important to keep invoices and have access to their ABNs as you pay your subcontractors during each quarter.

And lastly; complete your “Declaration of Ratable Remuneration” form in the WorkCover Online Employer Services account.

If you pay wages of any kind, it is a requirement to have WorkCover.  WorkCover is a workers compensation insurance should anything happen to them in the workplace.  The cost of WorkCover is based on the wages paid in the previous year, and the estimated amount of wages and super you will be paying for the year to come.

Quarterly Bookkeeping Summary

So, in short, what goes into bookkeeping for a quarter and what is required?

Once you’ve got your bookkeeper, it’s important to know what makes a good accountant, should you need one!  Luckily, we’ve got you covered with another article; How To Choose A Good Accountant: Personally + For Your Business

Canny Accounting + Your Quarterly Bookkeeping.

Keeping up to date with your bookkeeping and staying organised can be a daunting task.  And it can be a lot of information to digest and feel like there are a lot of things to tick off your to-do list.

Our team of bookkeepers are here to help you stay on track and keep your bookkeeping for the end of every quarter!  Even if you’re a little bit behind, we’re more than happy to help get you back on track.

Get in touch with your bookkeeping team today and let us help you take control of your bookkeeping!

Corey Haynes, Bookkeeper. Corey most enjoys finding + fixing the issues no one else can solve to provide high-end bookkeeping, software and BAS (Business Activity Statement) assistance to a varied range of clients in an accounting firm.