What a time we have had over the last six months, first with the devastating bush fires and now with the Covid-19 pandemic, it certainly has been a different time, the likes that many of us have not seen before.

Many small businesses and sole traders would have been entitled to receive Government assistance during this period including grants and concessional loans for those affected by the bush fires and JobKeeper reimbursements, cash flow boost for employers and State Government grants for those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Of these assistance packages some will be tax-free, while others will be considered taxable income.  Here are some of the packages and their tax treatment:

Due to Covid-19, your business income may have been affected to such a degree that you will not have any issues with the 2020 Financial Year tax, but if you will here are some tips to help reduce your taxable income:


Danny Grigg – Senior Accountant

BComm CA