Can I Use ChatGPT To Write My Will?

In front of a white background stand a number of different toy robots, with Karlene Wightman wearing a black dress at the front on the right hand side.

Having the ability to keep up with advances in technology and its capabilities is often considered a valuable tool to have in your back pocket.

How Do I Challenge A Will?

Pictured, Senior Solicitor Karlene Wightman wearing a black and red coloured dress standing against a stock picture of a game of hungry hippos

It’s one of the most common questions we are asked by our clients – “what are my rights when a loved one has passed away?”

What Is Probate?

Pictured, a beautiful blue sky looking up where there is a sea of different coloured balloons floating up into the atmosphere

The death of a loved one, whether expected or not, is a time of great sadness.  It can also be extremely stressful and full of uncertainty.