Tax Planning (And Why You Should Care)

Young boy standing in an open field wearing a blue/black contract long sleeve jacket with a hood holding a map out in front of him in both hands

Taxpayers contemplating even the most ordinary transactions should consider tax planning as part of the transaction to ensure that they do not suffer adverse tax consequences.

Fringe Benefits Tax

Empty restaurant being set up for service, a beautiful large green plant on the left hand side, beautiful brass coloured low hanging lights over the empty tables with wine glasses set out and outside on the right hand side window you can see boats docked

FBT was originally conceived to target cars, travel and restaurant meals for executives, business owners should be of the obligations, opportunities, and the risks that FBT poses.

Getting Your Business Structure Right

Teal blue colours background with tall business building towers in the foreground at different hights

Your choice of structure will depend on the size and type of business and also how you want to run it.  Each structure may have an impact on key areas such as tax, asset protection and set-up costs.

Luminosity Guardians

Black background with a gold outline of a sharp mask wearing a gold helmet, very striking pose with the words "luminosity guardians - sustaining your vision" underneath

Michelle Richmond attended the Cape Peninsula University of Technology in Cape Town where she received her degree in Information Technology with a major in Project Management.  She is also a credentialled Master Practitioner from The Coaching Institute of Australia.  As an ardent feminist, a proud mum to a daughter and also a breast cancer survivor.  […]

Daisy Dreamers

Light peach background with the words "Daisy Dreamers" in the centre, in a lovely deep yellow with a rust colour outline

Daisy Dreamers was dreamt up while Lauren, her partner and their young daughter were travelling around Australia in their caravan.  Noticing a big gap in the market where travel families, people in lockdown, living interstate or too busy to stop at multiple places needed a one-stop-shop.  Daisy Dreamers is a boho based online gift shop […]

Eat and They Shall Sleep (EATSS)

EATSS logo - white background with black artwork in the shape of a hand, three middle fingers standing up straight and two thumb like shapes on either side, filled with beautiful delicate artwork and the words 'eat and they shall sleep' curling underneath the bottom of the hand shape in cursive writing

Eat and They Shall Sleep EATSS – Client Insider l Canny Group In mid-2014 whilst on (another) trip to Thailand, Donna and Phoebe realised they wanted to start a project together, something removed from their day-to-day jobs.  Working in completely different fields – Donna is an exercise physiologist and runs a successful business and Phoebe […]

A Guide To Capital Gains Tax – FAQs

IMAGE DESCRIPTION: five piles of books stacked at different heights on beautifully polished floorboards with a piece of artwork leaning up against a white wall and a rainbow colour skull head on the highest pile of books

It’s those three golden words that so many people dread… Capital Gains Tax!  Some of the most common questions we are asked by our clients are; when do we pay capital gains tax?