Just How Much Tax Can I Save By Tax Planning?

Tax planning is an important and ongoing process that can provide significant benefits for both individuals and businesses.
How Are Self-Managed Super Funds Taxed?

We are surrounded by tax everywhere and we love a good acronym. PAYG, CGT, GST, and FBT – sounds like I’m just listing the alphabet!
Capital Gains Tax + Stamp Duty In Family Law

The most common concessions utilised by separated spouses are the capital gains roll-over relief provisions and the stamp duty exceptions
What Happens To My Investment Property In A Divorce?

Sometimes we receive questions from couples who are divorcing about the capital gains tax consequences of the divorce. More often, though, we don’t get questions about it.
What Happens To My Property When I Die?

There is often a considerable amount of uncertainty by an Executor or Executors when a property is left in the Estate.
ATO Tax Time Targets for 2023

In terms of individual income tax deductions, the ATO has announced that it is going to be focusing on four areas for the 2023 financial year
Do I Need To Pay Tax On Inheritance In Australia?

Inheriting a substantial sum of money or asset can be a significant life event that can bring about a mix of emotions.
What Happens To My Family Trust In A Divorce?

Many people use a family trust for their business or investments, however, often don’t really understand what they are or how they work.
Boost The Balance Of Your Super With Salary Sacrifice

Salary sacrifice is a way you can reduce the tax you pay, while you build your super balance – and that to us is a double win!
Downsize Your Home + Boost Your Super!

Did you know that the ‘downsizer contribution’ was introduced in 2018 and is just one of the ways the federal government is hoping to reduce pressure on housing affordability?