When Can My Child Decide Who They Live With?

When separated parents don’t see eye to eye on the care arrangements for their children, this can create tensions that span many months and even years.
Why Do I Have To Pay Child Support + How Much Do I Have To Pay?

As the great Benjamin Franklin once said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death, taxes and child support.”
Does My Stepchild Have A Right To Claim On My Estate?

When making, altering or updating their Will, many people ask the question “Do I need to provide for my stepchild or stepchildren?”
Who Gets Pet Custody In A Separation?

They are there for you when times get tough, and they provide you with unconditional love. What happens to pets when their owners go through a separation?
Capital Gains Tax + Stamp Duty In Family Law

The most common concessions utilised by separated spouses are the capital gains roll-over relief provisions and the stamp duty exceptions
What Happens To My Family Trust In A Divorce?

Many people use a family trust for their business or investments, however, often don’t really understand what they are or how they work.