Super Women

RETIREMENT! The very thought of it appeals to many hardworking persons. They think about a time for doing the things that bring them pleasure, recreation and fun.
New Years’ Finance Resolutions

The new year is a time when a lot of us make well intended resolutions to kick start the year. It’s common to come up with New Years’ resolutions in January that reflect the way we feel after all the celebrations over the Christmas and New Year period. These resolutions may relate to health, work, […]
Superannuation – Is It Still Worthwhile?

The constant changes to superannuation can be frustrating to many as they find it difficult to maintain their confidence in the superannuation industry.
Superannuation Beneficiaries + Their Importance

Not a lot of people are aware that superannuation is a non-estate asset. This means that it will not automatically be dealt with, through your Will if you were to pass away.
Accessing Super For Medical Procedures

There has been a growing trend in recent times of people accessing superannuation early for a variety of reasons. At present, early access to superannuation could be due to; severe financial hardship or on medical grounds, as well as some other reasons.
Protecting Your Biggest Asset

Do you ever stop to think about what you would do if you were suddenly unable to produce an income? Financial worry is the leading cause of stress among Australian’s
Your New Year’s resolution

2018 is almost here and for many of us a new year represents a new start. A chance to really commit to giving something a red hot go.