Epic Taste Experiences

Epic Taste Experience logo placed on a dark olive green coloured background, white text with the business name in the shape of a circle, inside a crest shape with four sections highlighting the experiences

Hailing from a diverse cultural melting pot – New Guinean, Danish, Chinese and Melanesia – and like her adventurous ancestors, June O’Brien likes to live life to the full.  In her early years, she lived in Port Douglas, Townsville, and Brisbane while even dipping her toe in the water along the Whitsunday Islands as well […]

ATO Tax Time Targets for 2022

Picture of an old open warehouse with no roof just blue steel beams between the concrete walls - bright coloured graffiti artwork on the right hand size leading up to a huge painted white, black, blue, red and yellow bullseye

ATO Tax Time Targets for 2022 Tax Returns Written by: Danny Grigg l Accounting Team   With the new financial year here, our clients are starting to come through our doors and making phone appointments to complete their tax returns to get on the front foot of the 2022 Financial Year and with that, we […]

Jana Clack – Independent Finance Broker

White background with a blue coloured circle the shape of triangles facing inwards with the words "QUANTUM Business Finance" underneath

From working for one of Australia’s largest independent finance broking firms and taking a short hiatus before returning to the industry in 2021 to set up as a broker herself in her hometown of Geelong, Jana Clack is back on the scene as a local independent financial broker specialising in plant and equipment.  Finding the […]

Steps to Starting A New Business

Concrete wall covered in beautiful rows of bright colours and the concrete steps, colours of bold pink, green, orange, tan with black polka dots, yellow and deep brown

While there are many Australians who dream about being their own boss, the reality of setting up a business can be complex and can sometimes prove very daunting

Sit + Stay Pet Services

Picture of three beautiful hand drawn dogs; one brown sausage dog, a black Labrador and a shaggy white and light brown dog with his tongue sticking out of his mouth

Sit & Stay Pet Services Entrusting your furry four-legged friend with someone when you’re heading away overnight, engaging in training walks or one-on-one sessions or simply taking them for a walk when you’re at work all day is a big decision.  Pets are a big part of anyone’s family and when you come across Jayde […]

2022-23 Federal Budget Breakdown

Black and white photo taken from the ground look up towards a big "budget motel" sign with a no vacancy sign and below on a white background, unreadable as there are missing letters

Your 2022-23 Federal Budget Breakdown As the post-pandemic economic recovery continues to take shape, Australia Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has handed down the 2022-23 Federal Budget   Among the proposed changes, Australia Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has announced a temporary cut to fuel excise, help for home buyers and extended relief for retirees, as well […]

Fringe Benefits Tax

Empty restaurant being set up for service, a beautiful large green plant on the left hand side, beautiful brass coloured low hanging lights over the empty tables with wine glasses set out and outside on the right hand side window you can see boats docked

FBT was originally conceived to target cars, travel and restaurant meals for executives, business owners should be of the obligations, opportunities, and the risks that FBT poses.

Budgeting for Business

Picture of three calculators that are from an old era, a small one on the left, a big adding machine with orange, white and yellow buttons in the middle and a silver adding machine with black numbers on the right

Operating a successful business – whether it be large or small – is very much about managing cash flow, and this is where budgeting comes in.