What Are Powers of Attorney?

Young girl with curly brown hair standing on a fallen down tree branch holding out her hand to a younger boy in a white t-shirt with blue alligators to help him stand up

Put simply, Powers of Attorney are documents appointing a person or persons to act for you while you are alive

Things To Consider When Writing A Will

White Balloon with the words YOU WISH! printed in back against a backdrop of a busy street with buses and hanging lights between the high rise buildings

One of the most common questions that we are asked when a person makes an appointment to make a Will is “What do I need to think about when drafting a Will?”

Appointing a Testamentary Guardian + Legal Advice

Picture of a woman holding a young child in her arms and the child is holding a bunch of orange, yellow and green balloons while they standing in a field at sunset with beautiful green trees in the background

Appointing a guardian, and therefore expressing your wishes in relation to who has the ultimate care of your child/children, gives important direction to not only your family but also the Family Court

Contested Estates + Expert Legal Advice

Picture of a man walking away from the centre of the screen down towards a boxing ring, wearing boxing gloves and dark clothes, his head is bowed and the spotlights are on him as he is drawing closer to the boxing ring

A common question asked by our clients when giving instructions for a Will is “can I leave my Estate to whomever I choose?”  The simple answer is – yes!