What Happens If I Don’t Have Powers Of Attorney?

What happens if a loved one does not have the mental capacity to understand and therefore make important documents such as Powers of Attorney?
Reviewing Your Standard Agreements: Unfair Contract Terms

The very last thing our Canny business owners want to do is think about whether their standard terms and conditions are compliant with the latest consumer laws…
Does My Stepchild Have A Right To Claim On My Estate?

When making, altering or updating their Will, many people ask the question “Do I need to provide for my stepchild or stepchildren?”
Building A Successful NDIS Provider Business: Things To Consider

Setting up a NDIS Provider business can be an exciting endeavour. It offers an invaluable opportunity to enhance the lives of individuals with disabilities.
Welcome To The New Year + Insight

Now we’re off to a fresh start for 2024, we’d like to welcome you to Canny Insight – legal support for your business without the stress!
Who Gets Pet Custody In A Separation?

They are there for you when times get tough, and they provide you with unconditional love. What happens to pets when their owners go through a separation?
Unfair Contract Terms: What Do The New Laws Mean For You Or Your Business?

Unfair Contract Terms: What Do The New Laws Mean For You Or Your Business? Written by: Gabrielle Andersen l Insight Team At Canny Group, we like to keep our clients up to date on the latest legal developments, so for this month’s legal blog we will be focusing on the latest development in the […]
What Is An Intervention Order + How Do I Get One?

There are many names used by people to describe what is known in Victoria, as an Intervention Order (IVO for short).
Succession Planning

A business can understandably take up most of your focus, it’s always important to keep one eye on the future!
Let’s Talk… Divorce -VS- Separation

People are often hesitant to proceed with a separation and/or divorce as they are concerned as to the effects that it may have on their financial situation