The NDIS + Short Term Accommodation

Short-Term Accommodation and Respite or STA as it is referred to in the NDIS sector is a specific support option within the NDIS
NDIS Review – Getting The NDIS Back On Track

And so it begins. As promised by the Minister for the NDIS Bill Shorten, changes to National Disability Insurance Scheme are coming.
Will The NDIS Fund My Holiday?

When you’re planning your next getaway, there are some elements that your NDIS plan can pay for, and others that it won’t
What Happens If I Don’t Have Powers Of Attorney?

What happens if a loved one does not have the mental capacity to understand and therefore make important documents such as Powers of Attorney?
Life Is Worth Living

Life is Worth Living has a holistic and passionate approach that focuses on ‘ability’ rather than ‘disability’.
What Do I Do If I’m Unhappy With My NDIS Plan?

Decisions, decisions… We all have to make them at some point, and we don’t always get it right. The National Disability Insurance Agency is no exception
How To Make The Most Of Your Capital Supports

Capital supports is a bit of a unique and quite specific area of funding. Not everyone will have this category included in their NDIS plan
What Happens If You Don’t Use All Of Your NDIS Funding?

NDIS Participants often hear the saying “use it or lose it”, but when it comes to your NDIS Funding, it’s not that simple
Getting The Most Out Of Your Capacity Building Supports

Not all NDIS Participants will receive each of the above funding areas as this depends on each individual NDIS Participants’ goals, daily functioning needs, informal supports, and other mainstream services they may be accessing.
What Makes A Good NDIS Provider?

The data gurus of the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) report that there are currently over 610,500 active NDIS Participants on the scheme.