Business Tips for NDIS Service Providers
The National Disability Insurance Scheme is now well known to many of us with over 484,000 NDIS Participants since its inception in 2013.
GST… Do We, Can We, Should We?
With one financial year having just ended, and a new one upon us, it is the perfect time to revisit the issue of NDIS and tax.
Facts Matter
As good as a story may be, when it comes to the NDIS, the narrative should be based on the information which is factual and evidence-based.
What Does The NDIS Not Cover?
As NDIS Plan Managers we are often asked by our National Disability Insurance Scheme clients “can I use my funds for…?”
Demystifying The NDIS
Initially, in force on 29 May 2013, the NDIS has been revised and amended 15 times over the past nine years, with the current version coming into force on 29 October 2021.
NDIS Participants + Service Agreements
Though not necessary, the NDIA recommend having a written service agreement in place for the engagement and delivery of supports under an NDIS Participant’s NDIS Plan.
How To Find A Good NDIS Manager
How you find something that you’re after and the way that you go about finding it is by your preference and how you feel most comfortable.
NDIS Plan Management vs Self Management
Are you self-managing your NDIS Plan? Did you know that you can use a registered NDIS Plan Manager too, and get the best of both worlds?
All In One Support Services
All In One Support Services – Client Insider l Canny Group In your own words, what is All In One Support Services? All In One Support Services was formed out of community need for a tailored mental health, disability, and housing support service. We are passionate about advocating for those experiencing disadvantage, mental health […]
Ultimate Guide To NDIS + NDIS Plan Management
What would you do, or want the ones closest to you, to do if you found yourself living with a disability? You would seek help.