When Is It Time To Consider A Self-Managed Super Fund?

When superannuation comes up in conversation, are you interested in the topic, or do you tune out?
What Happens to Superannuation In A Divorce?

One of the most valuable assets outside of the family home is superannuation. Superannuation can sometimes be overlooked in a divorce.
New Financial Year, New Superannuation Contribution Changes

Several key superannuation changes which may impact your ability to contribute to your self-managed super fund, are set to take effect from 1 July 2022.
Is Superannuation Safe From Bankruptcy?

Australian Financial Security Authority reports that between 2020-21 there were 10,621 new personal insolvencies reported as well as 6,792 bankruptcies?
Property + Your Self-Managed Super Fund

Did you know that with a self-managed super fund, you can purchase commercial or residential property inside the super fund and this can provide many tax benefits?
Advantages of Self-Managed Super Funds

Superannuation is a very tax-effective way to invest in Australia. Considering it is a form of forced saving for retirement, we should be taking a keen interest in what we do with our superannuation.
Superannuation + Binding Death Benefit Nominations

Super is extremely important to each individual because the more you save and contribute to your superannuation fund over your working lifetime