Can Self-Managed Super Funds Borrow?

So, you have a Self-Managed Super Fund, SMSF for short (or maybe you are considering establishing one)
Is Superannuation Safe From Bankruptcy?

Australian Financial Security Authority reports that between 2020-21 there were 10,621 new personal insolvencies reported as well as 6,792 bankruptcies?
What Happens To An SMSF In A Divorce?

What Happens To A Self-Managed Super Fund In A Divorce? Written by: Canny Advisory According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in 2020 78,989 marriages were registered in Australia, representing a 31% decline compared to 2019 which indicates that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a substantial impact on couples making it down the aisle […]
Property + Your Self-Managed Super Fund

Did you know that with a self-managed super fund, you can purchase commercial or residential property inside the super fund and this can provide many tax benefits?
Advantages of Self-Managed Super Funds

Superannuation is a very tax-effective way to invest in Australia. Considering it is a form of forced saving for retirement, we should be taking a keen interest in what we do with our superannuation.